A stable xanthan solution with superior filterability characteristics comprising biopolymer and a chelating agent selected from aliphatic alpha-hydroxy acids having from 2-7 carbon atoms; aliphatic and aromatic beta-keto compounds having from 4-9 carbon atoms; or 2- and 4- pyrones having a hydroxyl group alpha to the carbonyl and having 5 or 6 carbon atoms; said chelating agent being present in an amount of at least 1.0 ppm of the total solution. A method of enhancing oil recovery comprising employing as a mobility control solution in oil-bearing formations a mixture of xanthan biopolymer and a chelating agent is also disclosed.
发明作者:Уолтер Миллер Джеймс;Юджин Тейт Брис
申请人:Пфайзер Инк (Фирма);

o you
This invention relates to the field of the oil industry, in particular, compositions for displacing oil from a plast.
A composition for displacing oil from a formation, containing xanthan biopolymer lj, is known.
The disadvantage of this composition is low filtration properties.
The purpose of the invention is to improve the filtration properties of the composition.
This goal is achieved in that a composition for displacing oil from a reservoir containing xanthan biopolymer using bacteria of the genus. Xanthomonas, further comprising; aliphatic t-hydroxy acids or their salts containing 2-7 carbon atoms, or aliphatic and aromatic 3-keto acids or their salts, or K-diketones, with a holding of 4-9 carbon atoms, or 2-4-pyrones containing hydroxyl the group in the carbon dioxide group and contains 5 or 6 carbon atoms in the following ratio of components, 10 g: xanthan biopolymer using bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas 1 aliphatic оС-hydroxy acids or their salts containing 2-7 carbon atoms, or aliphatic and aromatic p-keto acids or and their salts or -diketones containing 4-9 carbon atoms, or 2-4-pyrone, containing a hydroxyl group in the (L-position to the carbonyl groups and containing 5 or 6 carbon atoms 1.0-1000.
A solution is preferred in which the chelating agent is an aliphatic ot-hydroxy acid having 2-7 carbon atoms, citric acid is particularly preferred. A solution is preferred in which the chelating agent is used in an amount of 1.0-1000 million of the solution as a whole, and in the solution xanthan biopolymer is presented in the form of a fermentation broth containing the cells of a microorganism belonging to the genus Xanthomonas.
Active chelating agents are identified by a selection method using water containing Ca (), the principle of improvement of ph / scouring through millipore filters is used as an activity criterion.
1.2 µm in size, suggesting that this analysis also determines the efficiency of regulation of other alkaline earth cations Mg (+2), Sr (+2) and Ba (+ 2), and also Fe (- + - 3).
A general test procedure can be formulated as follows.
Synthetic test mineralized solutions. I-V solutions are prepared using distilled water. Solutions are fcpt through 0.2 µm membranes before use to remove microorganisms or other particles.
Preparation of the solution. A base solution containing 5,000 ppm of xanthan, prepared using a test mineralized solution, is exposed to shear deformations at a voltage of 50 V in a Waring mixer set at maximum speed. The solution is then diluted to 500 ppm with a test mineralized solution and subjected to shear strain for 1 minute at a voltage of 50 V.
Filtration coefficient determination test (viscosity analysis). Used to determine whether to carry xanthan solutions for injection into the reservoir. 1 liter of the test xanthan solution is filtered through millipore membranes 5 or 1.2 μm in size under a pressure of 40 psi (2.81 kgf / cmO).
The filtration coefficient is determined as follows:
-7 so
where t is the flow time (s) of a certain volume (ml) of the filtrate, which is collected in a graduated 1000 ml cylinder. Millipore filters with a size of 5 and 1.2 µm, respectively, are used to simulate oil reservoirs with high and moderate porosity. Since the test solution provides a gradual improvement in the suitability for injection into the formation after treatment with a chelating agent, the filtration coefficient decreases, approaching 1.
The types of xanthans and chelating agents, when used in this 3 manner, exhibit improved filterability, defined as follows: filtration coefficient with chelating agent; filtration coefficient without chelating agent where R "sO, 7 is a significant improvement, 0,, 0 is a limited improvement; R 1, O - no improvement. Unless otherwise indicated, the content of xanthan is given on the basis of a viscosity analysis: 500 million xanthan solution prepared with a total salt content of 500 mpn- (9: 1 NaCl / CaCl, provides a viscosity of 10 cPs on a Brookfield viscometer at 6 rpm, at room temperature. Repeated treatment of the broth with citric acid, followed by the addition of citric acid to dilute solutions, can lead to an even greater increase in filterability, especially in the case of this mineralized solution having pH 7, and in solutions containing Ff (+3). A suitable fermentation medium is inoculated with a microorganism of the genus Xanthomonas. The inoculated medium can be yeast wort broth or medium containing crude glucose, sodium and potassium phosphates, magnesium sulfate and any of a variety of organic , nical sources of nitrogen, such as enzyme decoction of soybeans or casein.After aerobic propagation for 30 hours at 28 ° C, an aliquot amount is transferred to the fermentor for inoculation of the second stage. In the nutrient medium present Suitable carbohydrate at a concentration of 1 to 5 wt.%. Such carbohydrates including, for example, glucose, sucrose, maltose, fructose, lactose, processed inverse beet molasses inverse sugar, high-quality filtered diluted starch, or mixtures of these carbohydrates. Preferred carbohydrates are 754 glucose, maltose, fructose, filtered krasmyl hydrolysates, or mixtures thereof. Inorganic nitrogen is present in the nutrient medium at a concentration of 0.02-35 wt.%, Preferably 0.07-0.25 wt.%. The preferred nitrogen source is inorganic nitrate: it is possible to use ammonium nitrate at a concentration of 1 g / l, sodium nitrate at a concentration of 2 g / l, or potassium nitrate at a concentration of 2.4 g / l. The preferred nitrogen source in both this medium and the productive is inorganic. However, it is possible to use organic nitrogen sources, although they enhance the formation of large cells of Xanthomonas bacteria, provided that the general requirement for the absence of insoluble materials with a particle size of about 3 microns is met. Magnesium in the form of or bitter salt in an amount of 0.11, 0 g / l is added together with trace amounts of manganese and iron ions. A chelating agent, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid or preferably citric acid, which promotes the growth of the Krebs cycle acid, and a sequestering agent (bonding the metal ion with a chelate bond) for possible calcium ions are added. A sufficient amount of mono- and di-potassium phosphates is added to buffer the medium at pH 5.9-8.5 (preferably 6.0-7.5). After aerobic propagation for 20-40 hours at 24-34 ° C (preferably 28-30 ° C), an aliquot amount is transferred to the fermentor containing the production medium. The production medium is similar in composition to the specified inoculating medium of the second stage, except that instead of potassium phosphates, sodium phosphates are preferably used because of the lower cost of increasing the xanthan yield, a small amount of calcium is added as a salt, such as calcium chloride or calcium nitrate. for example lime. The amount of calcium added depends on the amount of calcium present in the water used to refine the medium, the nitrogen source used, and the Xanthomonas microorganism strains. When using sodium or potassium nitrate instead of ammonium nitrate, less calcium is needed (approximately 27 ppm), deionized water, distilled water, or water containing less than 20 calcium or other phosphate precipitated cations can also be used for dIdine medium. Calcium ions are added to the desired concentration. The role of calcium ions in enhancing xanthan production is very important, but the critical factor for this method is to prevent the precipitation of excess cation-calcium and other cations in the form of insoluble phosphate salts. This is achieved, if necessary, by the addition of a chelating agent, such as ethylenediamine intetraacetic acid or another suitable compound, at a concentration of 1-20 mmo, preferably 2-3 mmol. The pH of the fermentation medium is quite important for the proper growth of bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas. The preferred range is 6.0-7.5. Adjusting the pH within these ranges can be achieved by using a buffer compound, such as acid disodium phosphate. Ethylene diamite tetraacetic acid or another suitable chelating agent is also added to the buffer solution used to adjust the pH to prevent the precipitation of calcium ions introduced into the water used to add the medium as insoluble calcium salts. The pH is preferably adjusted during the fermentation cycle by adding sodium or potassium hydroxide solution, which has the additional positive effect of reducing the viscosity of the broth without affecting the xanthan yield and eliminates the need to chelate the buffer solution. (To achieve accelerated fermentation, it is necessary to have the necessary amount of oxygen, sufficient for growing bacterial culture. The fermentation medium is aerated to provide sufficient oxygen with a sulfite oxidation number in the range of 1.5-3.5 mol oxygen per liter per minute. Sulfite oxidation number represents is a measure of the rate of oxygen extraction in the fermentor under the mixing and aeration conditions used.The fermentation is carried out at a temperature of about until the broth becomes concentrated Xanthan g is at least 100 ppm, preferably at least 1.0%, more preferably at least 1.4% (30-96 h). The viscosity of the broth is usually at least 4000 cP, preferably about 7000 cP. Microbial cells are desirable to kill by adding bactericides, such as formaldehyde, glgataraldehyde, phenol or substituted phenol such as cresol, hydroxybenzene or polyhalogenated phenol, or any other known preservative. Preferred preservative is formaldehyde at a concentration of 200-10000, preferably 1000-3000 ppm, which can yt rkonchatelnomu added to the fermentation broth before storage FPI during it. . The implementation of the present invention is carried out using different types of bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas. Illustrative examples include Xanthomonas phased, Xanthoraonas maloacearun, Xanthoroonae carotae, Xanthomonas begoniae, Xanthomonas ineanae and Xanthomonas vesicatoria. The preferred species is Xanthomonas campestris. Examples of synthetic mineralized water oil fields. Solution I, highly mineralized, hardness - high, containing, mg / kg of the final solution: NaCl64200 CaClj5500 MgClj eHjO 7230 NaHCO 135 Solution 11, slightly mineralized, hardness - moderate, containing, mg / kg of the final solution: NaCl200 MgClj - 800 CaS04-2H O 2770 NaHCO, 940 Solution in, moderately mineralized, hardness - moderate containing, mg / kg of final solution: NaCl CaCljj MgCl MgS04NaHCOj BaClj 2HjO Solution IV, slightly mineralized, hardness - moderate, containing {mgm, mg / kg of the final solution: CaS04. 2HjO Solution V, slightly mineralized, hardness - moderate, containing, mg / kg of the final solution: CaClj1785, 1933 NaHCO, 941. Mo804-7NGO 97.6 PRI me R 1. Treatment with citric acid diluted xanthan solutions containing Ca C + Z). l Trisodium citrate dihydrate is added to a diluted saline solution consisting of 500 NaCJ containing 2770 ppm Ca (1000 ppm Ca). The chelating agent is added to provide concentrations equivalent to 1000, 3000 and 5000 ppm of monoacid, t. e. a concentration of 1000 mln monoacidic acid (MM-19 is obtained by adding 1531 mln dihydr, tari-sodium citrate (MM-29) Using these mineralized solutions of mineralized solutions in a Waring mixer, test solutions containing 500 ml of xanthan (Flocon Biopolymer) are obtained, followed by pH adjustment to 6-7 with 1N NaOH or HC. Then the Brookfield viscosity is measured at 6 rpm using a UL adapter, the filtration coefficient on a 1.2 µm filter is determined using 1 l of filtrate under a pressure of 40 pounds / inch (2.81 kg / cm). Below pr Specific materials with a capacity to pump through mplnporiy filters, with significant activity are entered: filtration coefficient with chelating agent, 7, filtration coefficient without chelating agent limited activity: 0, 1.0; no activity: R 1.0. when 1000 ml of straw is collected over 600 s. Table t Effect of citrate oi6pa6oTKH on filterability: Ca () 500 million xanthan in 500 million NaCl Added as trisodium citrate dihydrate. PRI mme R 2. Citrate treated diluted xanthan solution containing Fe (+3). Test solutions are prepared and analyzed by the method of pria 1, replacing Ca (2) with a cation (+3). FeCi-6HjO is added to the mineralized mineral plant 500 ppm of NaCl with the provision of Fe (+3) 1.2; 0 and 100 ppm Table 2 Effect of citrate treatment on filterability: Fe (+3) 500 ppm xanthan in 500 ppm NaCl Added as trisodium citrate dihydrate. To obtain a filtration coefficient value, 1 liter of filtrate is required. If over 600 from 1 liter of collecting is not possible, the experiment stops recording the collected volume.
The effect of citrate treatment on filterability; Mg (+2), Sr (+2) and Ba (+2) 500
and 500 NaCl P623 5 10
PRI me R 3. Citrate processing of diluted xanthan solutions containing (their MR (+2), Sr (2)
and Ba (+2). I
million xanthan 5 In the absence of citrate treatment, precipitation of iron complexes and 500 million xanthan solutions containing 100 (+3) addition of 135 million citric acid (in the form of trisodium citrate dihydrate) is observed. to the mineralized solution prevents the precipitation of iron and restores filterability through millipore filters (experiment 6, Table 2). Test solutions are prepared and analyzed as described in Example 1, replacing cations with Mg (2 2), Sr (+2) and Ba (+2) cations. MgCl2-HjO, ZgSC-bN O, and Bac Ej-24.0 are added to a dilute mineralized solution (500 million NaCl). with the achievement of the levels of Mg (+2) and Ba (+2), respectively, the components of 1500 or and - 1000 million, million.
Added in the form of trisodium citrate dihydrate; rastoror clogs the filter membrane. P p and M e p A. Citrate processing of undiluted xanthan mineralized solution. 1.45 g of trisodium citrate dihydrate in 20 ml of distilled water is added to 18,900 g of xantaic mineralized solution with an equivalent concentration of citric acid equal to 50 ppm, i.e. A citric acid concentration of 50 ppm is obtained by adding 77 ppm trisodium citrate dihydrate. A citrate-treated xanthan sample in a 5 gallon polyethylene container is then mixed vigorously for 1 hour to ensure proper mixing. Using a mixer, test xanthan solutions (500 ppm) are prepared using the specified general test procedure, using citrated treated mineralized solution for solutions I and II. Xanthan solutions (500 million) are also prepared using non-treated citrate mineralized solution for solutions I and P containing 1000 million Filterability of xanthan g moment effect
 Xanthan broth; the amount of chelating agent added is based on limmoic acid; actually added as trisodium citrate dihydrate
In the final xanthan (500) solution
Broth - citrate added to the broth; Citrate solution added to diluted xanthan solution
Part of the filtrate is needed to obtain the value of the filtration coefficient. If you gain 1 liter in 600 seconds, the experience is stopped and the collected data is indicated.
Flow time 1 liter of filtrate.
g II 75 citric acid (captive R saws, e-trisodium citrate dihydrate) as described in Example 1. The pH of all test solutions 6-7. Brookfield viscosity is measured for all test samples at 6 rpm using a UL adapter. (10 centipoise), the filtration coefficient for filters of 5 or 1.2 µm is determined per 1 liter of filtrate at a pressure of 40 psi (2.81 kg / cmO. Table 4 illustrates a dramatic improvement in filterability in the case that the saline solution is treated citrate. Addition of 50 citric acid equivalent to mineralized plant a thief (1 in the final test solution) provides a significantly greater improvement in filterability than adding even more (level 1000) to the xanthan solution after diluting the mineralized solution. Some enhancement of filterability is expected to process the mineralized solution with citrates at levels of at least 10 million (0.2 million in the final solution.) Table I. -., Solutions (500 million) of citric acid. EXAMPLE 5 Broth Nitrate Treatment: Maintaining Flueness. In many cases, citrate processing of xanthan broth is more effective than processing diluted solutions in terms of stabilization and maintaining good filterability over time. Xanthan broth is treated with citrate according to the method of example 4. Using this broth, 4 samples of 1,100 g xanthan solutions (500 million) in a mineralized solution in are prepared and analyzed according to the method of example 1. 4 samples of 1100 g each, using raw broth broth are also prepared in a mineralized solution III containing 100 million citric acid (added as trisodium citrate dihydrate), each test solution (1100 g) is stabilized for 50 minutes of the biocide XC-215 Tertolite (5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one) to inhibit growth microorganisms and stored in 1200 mL sealed bottles of brown glass. Filtration factors on a 1.2 µm filter are obtained at 0.7.14 and 21 days. Citrate broth processing (1 million in the final test solution) is more effective in terms of maintaining good pumping capacity than treating diluted solutions even with higher levels of lemon
The filterability of xanthan (500 million) solutions the effect of citrate processing of dilute solutions and broth
Oh oh
820 ml / 600 s
44 35
O 50 2.30 7514 acids (100). In the case of broth processing, filterability on a 1.2 µm millipore filter is maintained for a total of 21 days of stability testing. The sealing of the filter membranes takes place after 7 days in the case of processing dilute solutions with citrates. In the absence of processing citrate broth or a dilute solution, the blockage occurs on the first day. PRI me R 6, Citrate treatment of the broth and the diluted solution. According to the procedure of Example 5, xanthan test solutions (500 ppm) in saline solution IV are prepared using citrated acid treated broth with citric acid (50 and 100 ppm) treated with citrates and without addition. The KAZHSTAL test solution stabilizes the 50 million biocide Tretolite XC-215 and is stored in corked brown glass bottles. The filtration coefficient (1.2 µm) is determined in O and 1 day. In tab. 5 shows that treatment of citrate broth and a diluted solution leads to a dramatic increase in filterability. The data is determined on day 1 in order to show that the citrate treatment of the broth and the diluted solution also maintains good filterability. Table 5
1st 1st 1st
Added to the final xanthan (500 mlg) solution Broth soyozhit 50 million citric acid
l l filtrate is needed to get the value of the filtration coefficient. If 1 liter cannot be dialed in 600 seconds, the experiment is stopped and indicated
collected volume
Flow time 1 liter filtrate
pH of the mineralized solution. Example 7. Citrate processing of the broth after prolonged storage at room temperature. 19000 g of xanthan broth, processed and not treated with citrates (as described in Example 4), are stored in 5-gallon capped polyethylene containers at room temperature. Each broth sample contains 3,000–4,000 ppm of formaldehyde as a biocide. Using generalized test procedures, xanthan test solutions (500 ppm) in a mineralized solution (500 ppm; 9 NaC / CaClj) were prepared and analyzed after 0-11 months of storage. Xanthan broth worked with citrate can be stored for a minimum of 11 months without an apparent deterioration of filterability. After 4 months, there is a decrease in filterability of xanthan broth not treated with citrate. Citrate treatment of xanthan broth helps maintain filterability by chelating gland marks.
1162375 Continued Table 5
100 o
31 29
50,100 and other multivalent cations in the broth, thereby preventing the crosslinking of the xactane biopolymer and / or cells. PRI me R 8. “-Hydroxyacids: treatment of dilute xanthan solutions containing Ca (+2). Test solutions are prepared and analyzed as described in Example 1, replacing citric acid with Ha «i-hydroxy acid chelating agents. Chelating agents are administered in the form of organic acids or their sodium salts with a concentration equivalent to 1000 million organic acids. According to the definition given in example 1, “- -hydroxyacids with 2-6 carbon atoms, given in table. 6, are active chelating agents. L-hydroxy acids with 7 carbon atoms have not been tested, but presumably they have activity by analogy with chelating agents having 6 carbon atoms.
Advantages of β-hydroxy acids from the point of view of filterability: Ca (2) xanthan 500 mpnv 500 mpn NaCl
filtration coefficient without chelating agent
Example9. -Dicarbonyl compounds: processing diluted
Table 6
Xanthan solutions containing Ca (+2) (see Table 7).
19I 162375
Advantages of n-carbonyl compounds from the point of view of filterability: Ca (i "-2). xanthan 500 million in 500 million NaCl
Batch millipore filter N NOD62402A-1,
Test solutions were prepared and analyzed as described in Example 1, but replacing citric acid with 1 -dcyrbonyl compounds.
When conducting tests according to the method of example 1, it turned out that acetoacetic acid (4 atoms of the virtues of 3- (or 5-) hydroxy-4-pyrone from the point of view of filterability: Ca (+2) xanthan 500 million in 500 MnH NaCl
Batch of millipore filter № НОД62402А-1.
Test solutions are prepared and analyzed as described in Example 1, replacing citric acid with hydroxypyrone,
4- and 2-pyrones attributed to kojic acid and having hydroxyl
Lerode) and / -diketones and / 3 -ketocarboxylates with 4-9 carbon atoms are active.
Example 10. 3- (or 5-) Hydro-Si-4-pyrone: treatment of dilute xanthan solutions containing Ca (2 2) (see Table 8),
the group in position L relative to the carbonyl turned out to be active when tested according to the method of Example 1.
PRI me R 11. Citrate treatment of broth and diluted solutions: research on Aerpak Berea, Improved suitability of xanthan fluids for injection into the formation is also observed on Ber cores using citrated broth in the presence of 1,540 million trisodium citrate dihydrate added to the diluted solution and in its absence. In experiments on cores, the below determined coefficient of solution resistance and the coefficient of residual resistance are used as a measure of the characteristics of the injection rate of xanthan solution. By reducing the drag coefficient, the filtration rate and (injection rate) of the solution improve. Methodologists and supporting data are provided below. The stop broth is treated with citrate according to the method of Example A. Using this broth, 500 mpn xanthia solutions are prepared, in a mineralized solution V with 1540 trisodium citrate dihydrate and if it is absent according to the method of Example 1. 500 MnH xanthane test solutions are also prepared in a mineralized solution Vc using non-citrated broth. The core test was performed at room temperature (74 F 23 C) using Berea sandstone cores with a diameter of 1 inch (2.5 cm). The cores are selected so that they have a permeability of approximately 150 mD. The following core test steps are carried out. The core is sucked under vacuum with a suitable saline solution. The mineralized solution is pumped at a constant rate of advance (20 feet / day 610 m / day) through the core until the pressure difference, P,, on the core, is stabilized. Xanthan solution is pumped into the core at a speed of 20 feet / day (610 m / day) in an amount of 40 ob.pr. The pressure drop is measured, injections of 40 vol. The mineralized solution is pumped into the core at a rate of 20 ft / s (610 m / day) until the pressure difference, Pj, is stabilized. Throughout the whole procedure, the dependence of the pressure difference on the injected volume is recorded;) pores and used to calculate the coefficient 11) f11 and the opposite 11 (bridge 11 according to the adopted equations F Pj, Qi / (Q RF P, P, Q ,, j. RF - the coefficient of resistance of the solution's RF; RRF — the coefficient of residual resistance} pressure drop, initial flooding with a saline solution (stage 2); pressure drop, flooding of polymers (stage 3), pressure drop, final flooding with a mineralized solution (stage 4) {flow rate, initial water flooding is mineralized the flow rate, polymer flooding, flow rate, final watering with a saline solution.The results of the study on the cores are given in Table 9. It is not difficult that the tanned solutions treated with citrates give lower resistance coefficients, solutions that are not subjected to citrates, which indicates for the rate of injection 2. Table 9 citrate treatment: core testing 5.25 2.16 4.46 2.06 3.43 0.91 Santanova (500 million) solutions calculated as trinary citrate dihydrate. for .23116237524 The economic effect is achieved by the properties of the composition for displacing the improvement, filtration filtration. tee out of formation.
Claims (2)
COMPOSITION FOR EXTRUSION OF OIL FROM THE FORMATION, containing a xanthan biopolymer using bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas, which is characterized in that, in order to improve the filtration properties of the composition, it additionally contains aliphatic Λ -hydroxy acids or their salts containing
2-7 carbon atoms, go aliphatic and aromatic ft-keto acids or their salts, or fl-diketones containing 4-9 carbon atoms, or 2-4 pyrons containing a hydroxyl group in the position to the carbonate group and containing 5 or 6 carbon atoms in the following ratio, 10 g ~ s: xanthan biopolymer using bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas 100 ab aliphatic hydroxy acids or their salts containing 2-7 carbon atoms, or aliphatic and aromatic /) keto acid or salts thereof, or fl-diketones containing 4 to 9 carbon atoms, and whether 2-4-pyrone containing a hydroxyl group in the * position to the carbonyl group and the content of 5 or 6 carbon atoms of 1.0-1000.
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申请号 | 申请日 | 专利标题
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